With the launch of the European Green Deal, the EU established the Climate Pact – a movement of people united towards the goal of climate-neutrality by 2050.
Everyone has a place in the Pact. Specifically, experts and scientists can be involved as Ambassadors to inform, inspire, and support climate action in their communities and networks. Among others all around Europe, Roberto Cavallo has just been nominated as part of the Italian group. CEO of ERICA Soc. Coop., leading consultancy firm in communication and design of circular economy strategies, Roberto expresses his gratitude and dedication as Pact Ambassador:
«This nominee is the result of a couple of months of dialogue and training with the European Commission’s DG Climate. An honour and a great responsibility. I will continue with commitment what I have been trying to pursue in recent years: to make as many people as possible aware of the importance of maintaining a balance between humans and natural elements. I learnt a lot from my grandfather who was a farmer and my father, a naturalist; I am learning a lot from inspirational leaders like Pope Francis, and scientists like Luca Mercalli. I truly believe it is a duty to share the knowledge and wisdom of which I have been gifted from so many persons».

The EU Climate Pact slogan is simple: “My world. My action. Our planet”. The climate crisis is real and the urgency to achieve the goals envisaged by the Paris Agreement has been made clear – notably, to limit global warming to well-below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit such warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The solutions outlined in the European Green Deal can only succeed if people, communities, and organizations are all involved in the collective action. For this reason, The Climate Pact is presented as a platform to work and learn together, to develop responses, and to build networks for real change. A vibrant space to man up and consolidate, where Pact Ambassadors stimulate actions and break down barriers.
Thus, the Climate Pact is empowering the countless Europeans who are ready to contribute, and reach out to those who have been less involved so far, by the environmental communication’s means and tools. The values are science, responsibility, and commitment; transparency; no greenwashing; ambition and urgency; action tailored to local contexts; diversity and inclusiveness.
Source: European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European climate pact, Publications Office of the European Union, 2020, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2834/43590